Gee Gee Holdings (Chennai) Pvt Ltd seeks land or / and partners
to develop residential or commercial projects in Chennai
/Bangalore/Mumbai/Coimbatore/ Goa /Pune/
Places of Religious worship like Tirupati/and Shirdi. Clear titles,
and non-tenanted properties will be considered.
A Joint development business model is followed by us.
Interested individuals/ entities write to us with the property plans,
applicable F.S.I (floor space index)
and expected commercial terms, at:
Interested individuals/entities could get back with the property plans,
applicable F.A.R. and expected commercial terms, at:
Gee Gee Holdings (Chennai) Pvt Ltd
“SKS Complex”
(Old No 31) New No 6, Dr. RK Salai,
9th Street, Mylapore,
Chennai 6000 04,
MOB : 9840612085,